Tag: diy (page 8 of 12)

DIY Ornaments from Magic Towels!

Hello Everyone! With the holidays right around the corner it is time to start thinking about decorating. And since we are on a crafting blog, this post is about DIY Ornaments. This is an easy project that takes magic towels and turns them into ornaments and it is fun to do with the kids. 

DIY Ornaments - Dory

My Finished Dory DIY Ornament

I hope you had a wonderful relaxing Thanksgiving holiday. We had a great time, we went to Florida for the week and it was perfect. Stay tuned, I will do a travel journal about the resort we stayed at.

With Christmas right around the corner I thought I would start doing some holiday crafts and today’s is a DIY ornament.

Materials for your DIY Ornaments:

  • Magic Towels (I used a Dory one and an Avengers one, and I got both from the dollar store)
DIY Ornaments - Magic Towel

We start with a simple magic towel.

  • Ribbon
  • Stuffing
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks


Cut around the shape that you want to make into an ornament. And cut out that same shape in a plain colored wash cloth.


Cut out magic towel

Next, we cut out the parts we want to turn into ornaments.

Then you start gluing. Glue the pom-pom ribbon ) around the edge and then glue the black ribbon to the top.  I used hot glue for all my gluing, but if you are doing this with kids then you might wan to use fabric glue. You can also sew these together, but me and my sewing machine are not getting along right now, so my hot glue gun came to the rescue.

Then glue the plain wash cloth to the back, but make sure you leave a little gap so you can add stuffing. Add a little stuffing and glue the gap closed.

The ornament's backing

Then, add ribbon and glue together.


And that is it. These are great for kids and easy to do. Kids will like having their favorite characters on the tree.

Avengers ornaments

Here are the finished ornaments.

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Guest Post-DIY Sugar Scrub

Guest Post By Kim- DIY Sugar Scrub

Today we have a great DIY for your dry skin. This is a great way to replenish the moisture and exfoliate at the same time. 

Once again I have my sister, Kim, doing a guest post, which I love!! She is sharing a diy Sugar scrub, which is awesome. When I read this post I giggled because it is similar to the recipe that I use all the time. You can tell that we are sisters, haha.  I will post my version at the end.

It has been a while since I have done a guest post, you can read my last guest post here. I have a few in progress but this is one that is a great gift idea for the holidays. Also with so much focus on politics something to pamper ourselves is good.

The finished product

This is what it will look like when all is said and done.

First let me give you a little background on beauty products. Many exfoliating skin care products contain microbeads for the abrasive properties. These are plastic spheres that are less than 5mm in diameter. These are rinsed down the drain and cannot be captured by water treatment plants thereby they make it into waterways and interfere with fish and other wildlife. President Obama did sign a ban on these but it will not take effect until at least mid 2017 and only covers beauty products You can read about that here. They can also be found in cleaning products but that is another post.

I wanted to share with you one way that you can stop using micro beads right now and have great skin.

Disclaimer: I am not a dermatologist and have no skin care training. I just know this works great for me and I love how it leaves my skin.

About a year ago I started to switch out some of my beauty products for more natural versions. I wanted good results but to be friendly to my skin and the environment. I have some issues with skin sensitivity so I am careful what I use.

Here is what I started doing for an exfoliate.

A sugar scrub with coconut oil. I love it and it leaves my skin hydrated and soft. I use it 1-2 times a week I like to rub it on my face and neck right before my shower and then rinse it off in the shower.  If you use this route you need to be careful because some of the oil can stay on the floor of the shower and be a little slippery. I have also used this as a full body scrub and it is great on feet and elbows.

I have used to different recipes and I have provided links to them here. Also I have pinned a bunch more on my “Go Natural” and “Skin Deep Beauty” boards on Pinterest.

The first one I tried was very basic as I wanted to see how it would work. Just 2 parts regular sugar and 1 part Coconut Oil. You can read about it here.

I don’t have any pictures but it was great and now I am excited to try different scents and combinations. Maybe a salt scrub also.

Next I tried another recipe for vanilla scented. You can read about it here.

This was a good recipe but I found The ratio to be off and I needed to add more sugar. I do love the vanilla scent when I use it. A better quality vanilla would probably have a stronger scent but I wasn’t going to use my good vanilla for a scrub and this was plenty for me.

The materials

These are the materials you will need.

Be sure that you melt the coconut oil before mixing with the sugar but you don’t want the oil too hot. I live in a warm area of the country so I only needed 10 seconds in the microwave to completely melt the coconut oil.
Midway through the process

After mixing your ingredients it might look like this.

Then mixed together you can see that there is a lot of oil. So I added more sugar and the vanilla.
Looking good!

A less oily mixture.

Next time I will be using the first recipe but adding vanilla or whatever oil or extract i am in the mood for. Also Coconut Oil is great as it doesn’t go rancid quickly. I had my last jar in the shower for a couple of months and it was still fresh and great to use to the last bit I could scrape out of the jar.

As we approach the holidays and the craziness of the end of the year remember to take time for you.

Linda’s version:

I love doing sugar scrubs. Here is how my version is slightly different than Kim’s

  • I don’t use any vanilla, I like the scent the way it is
  • I don’t even melt it, lol. (I try and stay out of the kitchen as much as possible, lol)
  • I just dump equal amounts of coconut oil (I don’t melt it before hand because coconut oil melts in your hand and I am lazy as well, haha) and granulated sugar and brown sugar. I used brown sugar as well because if I use too much granulated sugar it is too rough on my skin.   (I usually make up my scrub as I wait for the water in my shower to warm up)
  • Then in the shower I just take a scoop and smear it all over, but be careful it does make the shower slippery.


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Gift Idea- Mini Canvas Photo Magnets

Gift Idea- Mini Canvas Photo Magnets

Hello Everyone!

Can you believe that Christmas is right around the corner? With Christmas so close I thought I would start showing you some easy DIY gifts.

Today I am going to show you how to make these really easy, really cute, mini canvas magnets. These are perfect for Grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends, and even for your self, lol.



  • Mini canvases
  • Mod Podge, brushes, scrap paper, magnet, glue
  • Paint, photo


First pick up some of these adorable mini canvases. I couldn’t resist, they are so cute. At just 2″ x 2″ they are perfect for magnets.


After you are finished admiring the cuteness of the canvas paint is all in a neutral color, including the sides.


Now it is time to cut out your picture. To help with this make a template by cutting out a square in some scrap paper the size of your canvas. Then use that template to find the best image for your magnet.  You may even discover that the picture you chose won’t work because it is too big or too many details get lost.  (on a funny side note when my teenage son saw me doing these magnets the other day he laughed and said that he was freshly dented in that pic. He still has the scar to this day. ahhh kids, they do keep us on our toes)


Then glue the picture down using Mod Podge. You can add a layer of Mod Podge to the top if you wish. Then I sponged some of the same paint color I used previously to add a nice boarder. Glue a magnet to the back an you are done. A great gift that can be done in 10 min.

Are there any gifts that you would like me to do a tutorial for? Let’s make this a DIY holiday season!



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Mixed Media Canvas Celebrating Family

Mixed Media Canvas Celebrating Family

Hello Everyone!

Today I have another mixed media tutorial. I love making mixed media art, it relaxes me and soothes my soul. This is another Finnibair inspired canvas. I love her work, she inspires me so much and I learn a ton from her techniques.


This canvas celebrates family. Family is so important and I wanted that to be the focus of this canvas.

I have made other mixed media canvas and you can visit them here:

Frozen Mixed Media

Dragon Mixed Media

Angel Mixed Media


  • Canvas, black gesso, brushes
  • Mica powder, spray bottles, stencils, modeling paste, acrylic paint, spray clear coat
  • Flowers, letters, beads, cheese cloth and anything else you want to put on your canvas.


First you add all  your flowers and letters and doo-dad on a canvas. I put black gesso on my canvas before I started. Then I went to town. Add stencils, cheese cloth, flowers, letters, beads, buttons, and broken jewelry. Anything to add interest and texture. I didn’t really care about the colors, just texture because I knew it would all be covered up.


Once you have everything secured with modeling paste then cover it all with black gesso. Cover all the ins and outs and little spots,  you want it all black with nothing showing. This will take a while, but it is worth it to take your time and do it right.


Once it is all dried it is time for the fun part. I added piles of mica powder all over the canvas. Then I took a spray bottle and sprayed water to spread the mica powder and create a shimmery, metallic look.  I did this a few times and once I was done with how it looked I dry brushed acrylic paint on the canvas. I just highlighted the tips of the flowers and the Family letters, The dry brushing was just to add some more detail to the canvas.



After the paints dried I added some metal flowers to add detail. It was the missing piece to bring it all together.



I really like how it turned out, what do you think? These are so much fun, I can’t wait to show you the next mixed media project I am working on.


Make a Basket Out of Wine Corks

Make a Basket Out of Wine Corks

Hello Everyone!

The question of the day is what to do with left over wine corks? Disclaimer: I did not drink all of this wine to make this craft, lol. I got a big box of wine corks from eBay for really cheap! I just love all the crafts people are doing on Pinterest with the corks so I thought I would try it out.


This is a really simple craft that probably won’t take more than 30 min to complete. This basket is perfect for just your desk or table. It is a really cute way to store just about anything.



Gather your corks and start to assemble them. Try to get them all about the same size, it will make the basket look better.


Then start hot gluing them together. Hold the pieces together for a few seconds to make sure they stick, but the hot glue should be strong enough to hold it together.


I did 2 rows of 5 for the bottom of the basket and 24 vertical corks for the sides. And I stacked the sides 2 corks tall.

Once I was gluing all the corks together I thought it looked a little plain so I added a ribbon and a flower to jazz it up.


So what have you made with wine corks?    Next I think I will make a trivet and a cork board for my office. Stay tuned to the tutorials.



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DIY Leaf Bowl From Dollar Store Leaves

Hello Everyone!

Today I have an easy DIY using leaves from the Dollar Store to make a really cute bowl.


I have seen this DIY about 847 times on Pinterest, but I thought that I would add my version to the mix. lol. You can follow me on Pinterest and see all the craziness that I pin.  It is so quick and easy, the longest part is waiting for it to dry…



  • Leaves
  • Mod Podge, foam brush, cling wrap
  • Bowl



Find a bowl that you can use for the mold. We have had this bowl for over 20 years, in fact Dear Hubby had it when we got married. When I first saw it I mentioned to him that it was a great bowl (it is one in a set of 3) and he said “Thanks, I got it at Ace Hardware when I was getting some tools.” lol. Such a man thing to do. Anyway, the bowls are awesome and have held up great! So I thought it would be a perfect mold.  I think I should use the other 2 bowls and make a set of 3 leaf bowls, that would be so cute!

Next wrap cling wrap to the bowl to protect it

Then start adding mod podge and leaves. I used glossy mod podge because that is what I had, but mat would work great as well. Make sure everything is well covered.


Once everything is covered add some cling wrap to the top to help keep everything in place as is dries. It does take a while to dry, but eventually it will dry


Once it is completely dry slowly, and carefully peal off the cling wrap. And there you go a brand new leaf bowl that is perfect for Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Fall. It is a little fragile and not the sturdiest bowl, but it is perfect for candy or pine cones or pumpkins, any light weight decor is perfect.



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Give Thanks-A DIY to show your thanks

Hello Everyone!

Ever have a rough day? I am sure that everyone has had a rough day, at least once. Well that was my day yesterday. There was nothing in particular that was bad, it was just rough overall, and that is the way it stayed until the end of the day. At the very end of the day I went shopping and my friend was able to join me and it just made my day a whole lot better. It was wonderful to see her and it made a great way to end my day.

And that got me thinking, that even though my day may have been rough I can always give thanks. I am thankful for my family, friends, and my work, and this blog. Even if everything is not going according to plan, I am still thankful. So after I got home I went straight to my craft room and made this piece that says Give Thanks. It was cathartic to make it and it is a great reminder to always be thankful, even when it is hard.



I used stuff that I had in my craft room, which was nice to use up what I already had

  • I had these plastic dog tags that I found at Who Gives a Scrap. If you don’t have anything like this you can make your own with card stock.


  • Metallic Paint


  • Gesso, brushes, mod podge, glue, letters, sandpaper
  • Paper, ribbon, burlap, and anything else you need for the background


I saw these dog tags awhile ago and I thought they would be perfect for a project, but I wasn’t sure what. I  think they worked perfectly for this project.

I roughed up the surface with sandpaper then I applied a layer of black gesso


Once they gesso dried I sponged on different metallic paints. I kept on going until I found a look I was happy with. Then I added glitter letters to the tags to spell out Give Thanks.


For the background I Mod Podged on different papers I had in a random fashion. Then I added some ribbon and burlap and a faux pearl necklace to add more interest and texture.


Then I added string to the dog tags and then I glued it all together and put it in a frame. Now it is ready to hang and be a daily reminder.


I am pleased with how it turned out. How do you give thanks and what are you thankful for?


Transforming Your Old Figurines

Hello Everyone!

Meet Issac. He is my new friend that sits on my desk at work. It was a simple task of transforming an old figurine from a golden owl into something amazing. Why is his name Issac? No particular reason except I asked my son what his name should be and Issac as suggest, and the name stuck. Perfect name for an owl.


Now, I will admit I particularly like birds, especially Owls. But, when I saw this disguised looking owl at Goodwill I knew that he had to come home with me.


I just love how professional he looks with his suit and tie, He looks so serious. And the fact that he is a bust of an owl just cracked me up.  But he was gold. I didn’t think he really liked being a 70s fantastic golden owl, so I decided to help him out.  As I looked him over I noticed that he was white under his label so my thought is that he was originally white, which would be really cute as well.

But he needed to be Oil Rubbed Bronze.


Protect your work space and spray in light, even coats, repeating as necessary. When he is completely covered let him dry. Once he is dried he is ready for display and he is ready to impart his wisdom.


I love covering my thrift finds with spray paint. I painted this Candle Holder,  and these Porch Lights, and these lanterns.  You never know what I will paint next. 

DIY Halloween Erasers

Hello Everyone!

Update: Check it out this post has been added to Fun Family Crafts!!!

One of the best ways to spruce up your desk is to add some custom DIY erasers.  They are so easy to do and they look so cute on your desk at work or school. They also make perfect gifts, or they would be tons of fun to make at a party.



There are affiliate links below

  • Eraser Clay (I found this one on line at Amazon, but there are different brands, so pick one that works for you)


  • Molds (I used ice cube trays from the Dollar Store, or you can free form your designs)


  • Oven


The first thing you do is knead your clay. You want to warm it up and make it pliable and easy to work with.


Once the clay is easy to work with then press it into a mold you like. ( I used a mold because shaping things out of clay is not the easiest thing for me. Molds just made the process a lot easier) You can make almost anything out of the clay. It is really easy to work with.


Once you have your design pop it out of the mold. I just put a little on the bottom of the mold then I popped it out and added a layer on the bottom of the design to smooth out the bottom. You can also add enough clay to fill the whole mold. It does make a larger eraser, but it looks really cool. You can layer colors or mix them to make a new color. There are so many possibilites.


Bake the erasers according to the directions and let them fully cool before using.


They actually work. When I first got this product I thought they might be a little gimmicky and not work well, but I was pleasantly mistaken they actually work really well!


They turned out so cute I think I might need to make more for every holiday!



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DIY Faux Stone Pumpkins

Hello Everyone!

I hope your October is going well! I can’t believe how fast it is flying by! In fact the whole year is going too fast.

To celebrate everything pumpkin I made this easy, diy faux stone pumpkins.



  • Pumpkins ( I used ceramic ones from the dollar store, but almost any pumpkin will work)
  • stone-pumpkins-before-pic
  • Spray Paint Primer
  • Rust-oleum stone spray paint


After cleaning your pumpkin and protecting your work surface spray a coat of primer on all the pumpkins on all sides


Now it is time to paint. Have you seen this faux stone spray paint? It is awesome! I have a feeling that everything will become faux stone. The texture and look changes the closed you get to your project. It is a versatile tool that I have a feeling I will be using a lot in the future.


For 1 pumpkin I wanted to to use the darker color so I sprayed a base of oil rubbed bronze before the stone.


Then go to town painting the pumpkins. I did add a layer of the lighter color to the darker pumpkin because it was not matching well. But just keep going and paint layers according to the directions until you are happy with the results.  I am thrilled with how they turned out! So very cute


If you want you can spray a  sealer over the top to protect them.  I think these would look really cute outside as part of your outdoor decorations. Just be sure to protect them first.


And here they are as part of my DIY Painted Halloween Village display.  I think they added a nice touch to the display.


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