Tag: holiday

DIY Ornaments from Magic Towels!

Hello Everyone! With the holidays right around the corner it is time to start thinking about decorating. And since we are on a crafting blog, this post is about DIY Ornaments. This is an easy project that takes magic towels and turns them into ornaments and it is fun to do with the kids. 

DIY Ornaments - Dory

My Finished Dory DIY Ornament

I hope you had a wonderful relaxing Thanksgiving holiday. We had a great time, we went to Florida for the week and it was perfect. Stay tuned, I will do a travel journal about the resort we stayed at.

With Christmas right around the corner I thought I would start doing some holiday crafts and today’s is a DIY ornament.

Materials for your DIY Ornaments:

  • Magic Towels (I used a Dory one and an Avengers one, and I got both from the dollar store)
DIY Ornaments - Magic Towel

We start with a simple magic towel.

  • Ribbon
  • Stuffing
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks


Cut around the shape that you want to make into an ornament. And cut out that same shape in a plain colored wash cloth.


Cut out magic towel

Next, we cut out the parts we want to turn into ornaments.

Then you start gluing. Glue the pom-pom ribbon ) around the edge and then glue the black ribbon to the top.  I used hot glue for all my gluing, but if you are doing this with kids then you might wan to use fabric glue. You can also sew these together, but me and my sewing machine are not getting along right now, so my hot glue gun came to the rescue.

Then glue the plain wash cloth to the back, but make sure you leave a little gap so you can add stuffing. Add a little stuffing and glue the gap closed.

The ornament's backing

Then, add ribbon and glue together.


And that is it. These are great for kids and easy to do. Kids will like having their favorite characters on the tree.

Avengers ornaments

Here are the finished ornaments.

This post DIY Ornaments from Magic Towels appeared first on Take Time To Create

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DIY Painted Halloween Village

Hello Everyone!

Halloween is fast approaching, and of course I get it in my head that I want to do some new Halloween decor.  At least this year I am getting it done before Halloween and not after, haha.

I saw a Halloween Village at the Dollar Store and thought it would be perfect to paint for Halloween



  • Ceramic houses (I found mine at the Dollar Store, but there are a lot of options out there. You could even use Christmas houses)
  • Metallic Paint
  • Gesso
  • Brushes, Stucco, Beads


When I saw these houses I thought that they were very cute, but the colors were not great. I didn’t think that they went together very well and the figurines were terrible.




Before the painting fun I had to prep the houses. I cleaned them then added a layer of Stucco to the roofs and anywhere there needed to be a rough detail. Then I added some beads to the grass area.




After the texture was dry I added a layer of black gesso. This gave me a blank canvas to work on. I did have to go back and touch up areas that I missed.


After the gesso was dry it was time for the fun painting! I used metallic acrylic paint and I mixed some Mica Powder with soft gloss gel for the green. I just dry brushed the colors onto the housed, adding and blending as I went. Once I was happy with the look I went on to the next house, until I was finished with the project.




Here is an up close picture of the detail of one of the houses and the bridge.


And here it is on display in my home. I really liked this project, it was fun to watch the housed change right before my eyes. Good thing I bought more houses from the Dollar Store, now I can create even more villages, haha



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