Hello Everyone

Have you ever seen a kit in the craft store and just knew you had to try it? Well that happened to me last week. I went to Michaels and saw this punch needle kit and picked it up to try it out. 


Well I got home and tried it out and ran into so many problems. The biggest problem I found was the fabric did not seem to be the right fabric for the punch tool. I am a beginner, I have never done punch art so this observation is just my opinion. In my video I go though my steps and struggles. 

punch needle

As you can see in the picture above the fabric did not handle the punching very well. The stitches fell out and did not look right. Granted, I am new at this, but I don’t think that is they way it is supposed to look. 

punch needle

Overall I did really enjoy doing punch need art. I liked the activity, so I am on the hunt for a new beginner friendly punch needle art kit. If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them. 

So even though this was a fail, I leaned a lot and I am happy I tried this kit and I can’t wait to try this again.